Are you repairing or replacing your driveway? Or constructing a new driveway? If so you’ve probably found that you will need a Right of Way Permit to occupy the public right of way while the driveway is being completed. For this permit an MOT plan will be required. The MOT plan is a customized plan for temporary traffic flow to protect the contractors and the public during the driveway build. I provide the custom MOT plan designed to the specifics of your driveway location and fast! The process is quick and easy so you don’t get held up with permitting. Start by emailing [email protected] with your driveway address and I will provide a free quote right away. Most MOT plans can be completed within one business day so you can continue on with your permitting process today!
I have experience in MOT planning in all Florida counties and cities so I save you time by providing a plan specific to the county or city you are applying with.